Showing all 13 results
ProStream® X
Stream processing Video Engine
CableOS® Fin-1 SFP+ based OLT
Optical Line Terminal (OLT)
CableOS® Jetty-1
Remote Switch Device
CableOS® Pebble-2
Remote PHY Device (RPD)
CableOS® Ripple+
Remote PHY Node (RPN)
CableOS® Wave-1
Remote PHY Shelf (RPS)
CableOS® Reef
Dense R PHY Shelf (RPS)
Wharf Switch (DAAS)
Distributed Access Architecture
CableOS® Oyster-1 Outdoor Node
Outdoor Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) Node
CableOS® Shell-1 Remote PHY Node
Hardened Outdoor Enclosure for networks tasked with delivering video, data, and voice over coax
CableOS® Pebble-1-BK Remote PHY Module
Remote PHY Device (RPD) that supports DAA defined by CableLabs® MHAv2 specification
CableOS® Ripple-2 Remote PHY Node
Remote PHY Node (RPN)
CableOS® Core
Core CMTS Software that powers the Harmonic virtualized cable access solution